George Whitefield Sermon 54

Intercession every Christian's Duty.

1 Thessalonians 5:25, "Brethren, pray for us."

If we inquire, why there is so little love to be found amongst

Christians, why the very characteristic, by which every one should know

that we are disciples of the holy Jesus, is almost banished out of the

Christian world, we shall find it, in a great measure, owing to a neglect

or superficial performance of that excellent part of prayer, INTERCESSION,

or imploring the divine grace and mercy in behalf of others.

Some forget this duty of praying for others, because they seldom

remember to pray for themselves: and even those who are constant in praying

to their Father who is in heaven, are often so selfish in their addresses

to the throne of grace, that they do not enlarge their petitions for the

welfare of their fellow Christians as they ought; and thereby fall short of

attaining that Christian charity, that unfeigned love to their brethren,

which their sacred profession obliges them to aspire after, and without

which, though they should bestow all their goods to feed the poor, and even

give their bodies to be burned, yet it would profit them nothing.

Since these things are so, I shall from the words of the text (though

originally intended to be more confined) endeavor, to show,

I. FIRST, That it is every Christian's duty to pray for others as well

as for himself.

II. SECONDLY, Show, whom we ought to pray for, and in what manner we

should do it. And,

III. THIRDLY, I shall offer some motives to excite all Christians to

abound in this great duty of intercession.

I. FIRST, I shall endeavor to show, That it is every Christian's duty

to pray for others, as well as for himself.

Now PRAYER is a duty founded on natural religion; the very heathens

never neglected it, though many Christian heathens amongst us do: and it is

so essential to Christianity, that you might as reasonably expect to find a

living man without breath, as a true Christian without the spirit of prayer

and supplication. Thus, no sooner was St. Paul converted, but "behold he

prayeth," saith the Lord Almighty. And thus will it be with every child of

God, as soon as he becomes such: prayer being truly called, The natural cry

of the new-born soul.

For in the heart of every true believer there is a heavenly tendency,

a divine attraction, which as sensibly draws him to converse with God, as

the lodestone attracts the needle.

A deep sense of their own weakness, and of Christ's fullness; a strong

conviction of their natural corruption, and of the necessity of renewing

grace; will not let them rest from crying day and night to their Almighty

Redeemer, that the divine image, which they lost in Adam, may through his

all-powerful mediation, and the sanctifying operation of his blessed

spirit, be begun, carried on, and fully perfected both in their souls and


Thus earnest, thus importunate, are all sincere Christians in praying

for themselves: but then, not having so lively, lasting, and deep a sense

of the wants of their Christian brethren, they are for the most part too

remiss and defective in their prayers for them. Whereas, was the love of

God shed abroad in our hearts, and did we love our neighbor in that manner,

in which the Son of God our savior loved us, and according to his command

and example, we could not but be as importunate for their spiritual and

temporal welfare, as for our own; and as earnestly desire and endeavor that

others should share in the benefits of the death and passion of Jesus

Christ, as we ourselves.

Let not any one think, that this is an uncommon degree of charity; an

high pitch of perfection, to which not every one can attain: for, if we are

all commanded to "love our neighbor (that is every man) even as ourselves,"

nay to "lay down our lives for the brethren;" then, it is the duty of all

to pray for their neighbors as much as for themselves, and by all possible

acts and expressions of love and affection towards them, at all times, to

show their readiness even to lay down their lives for them, if ever it

should please God to call them to it.

Our blessed Savior, as "he hath set us an example, that we should

follow his steps" in every thing else, so hath he more especially in this:

for in that divine, that perfect and inimitable prayer (recorded in the

17th of St. John) which he put up just before his passion, we find but few

petitions for his own, though many for his disciples welfare: and in that

perfect form which he has been pleased to prescribe us, we are taught to

say, not MY, but "OUR Father," thereby to put us in mind, that, whenever we

approach the throne of grace, we ought to pray not for ourselves alone, but

for all our brethren in Christ.

Intercession then is certainly a duty incumbent upon all Christians.

II. Whom we are to intercede for, and how this duty is to be

performed, comes next to be considered.

1. And first, our intercession must be UNIVERSAL. "I will, (says the

apostle) that prayers, supplications and intercessions be made for all

men." For as God's mercy is over all his works, as Jesus Christ died to

redeem a people out of all nations and languages; so we should pray, that

"all men may come to the knowledge of the truth, and be saved." Many

precious promises are made in holy writ, that the gospel shall be published

through the whole world, that "the earth shall be covered with the

knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea:" and therefore it is

our duty not to confine our petitions to our own nation, but to pray that

all those nations, who now sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, may

have the glorious gospel shine out upon them, as well as upon us. But you

need not that any man should teach you this, since ye yourselves are taught

of God, and of Jesus Christ himself, to pray, that his kingdom may come;

part of the meaning of which petition is, that "God's ways may be known

upon earth, and his saving health among all nations."

2. Next to the praying for all men, we should, according to St. Paul's

rule, pray for KINGS; particularly for our present sovereign King George,

and all that are put in authority under him: that we may lead quiet lives,

in all godliness and honesty. For, if we consider how heavy the burden of

government is, and how much the welfare of any people depends on the zeal

and godly conversation of those that have the rule over them: if we set

before us the many dangers and difficulties, to which governors by their

station are exposed, and the continual temptations they be under to luxury

and self-indulgence; we shall not only pity, but pray for them: that he who

preserved Esther, David, and Josiah, "unspotted from the world," amidst the

grandeur of a court, and gave success to their designs, would also preserve

them holy and unblameable, and prosper all the works of their hands upon

them. But

3. THIRDLY, you ought, in a more especial manner, to pray for those,

whom "the Holy Ghost hath made OVERSEERS over you." This is what St. Paul

begs, again and again, of the churches to whom he writes: Says he in the

text, "Brethren, pray for us;" and again, in his epistle to the Ephesians,

"praying always, with all manner of supplication; and for me also, that I

may open my mouth boldly, to declare the mystery of the gospel." And in

another place, to express his earnestness in this request, and the great

importance of their prayers for him, he bids the church "strive, (or, as

the original word signifies, be in a agony) together with him in their

prayers." And surely, if the great St. Paul, that chosen vessel, that

favorite of heaven, needed the most importunate prayers of his Christian

converts; much more do the ordinary ministers of the gospel stand in need

of the intercession of their respective flocks.

And I cannot but in a more especial manner insist upon this branch of

your duty, because it is a matter of such importance: for, no doubt, much

good is frequently withheld from many, by reason of their neglecting to

pray for their ministers, and which they would have received, had they

prayed for them as they ought. Not to mention, that people often complain

of the want of diligent and faithful pastors. But how do they deserve good

pastors, who will not earnestly pray to God for such? If we will not pray

to the Lord of the harvest, can it be expected he will send forth laborers

into his harvest?

Besides, what ingratitude is it, not to pray for your ministers! For

shall they watch and labor in the word and doctrine for you, and your

salvation, and shall not you pray for them in return? If any bestow favors

on your bodies, you think it right, meet, and your bounden duty, to pray

for them; and shall not they be remembered in your prayers, who daily feed

and nourish your souls? Add to all this, that praying for your ministers,

will be a manifest proof of your believing, that though Paul plant, and

Apollos water, yet it is God alone who giveth the increase. And you will

also find it the best means you can use, to promote your own welfare;

because God, in answer to your prayers, may impart a double portion of his

Holy Spirit to them, whereby they will be qualified to deal out to you

larger measures of knowledge in spiritual things, and be enabled more

skillfully to divide the word of truth.

Would men but constantly observe this direction, and when their

ministers are praying in their name to God, humbly beseech him to perform

all their petitions: or, when they are speaking in God's name to them, pray

that the Holy Ghost may fall on all them that hear the word; we should find

a more visible good effect of their doctrine, and a greater mutual love

between ministers and their people. For ministers hands would then be hold

up by the people's intercessions, and the people will never dare to villify

or traduce those who are the constant subjects of their prayers.

4. Next to our ministers, OUR FRIENDS claim a place in our

intercessions; but then we should not content ourselves with praying in

general terms for them, but suit our prayers to their particular

circumstances. When Miriam was afflicted with a leprosy from God, Moses

cried and said, "Lord, heal her." And when the nobleman came to apply to

Jesus Christ, in behalf of his child, he said, "Lord, my little daughter

lieth at the point of death, I pray thee to come and heal her." In like

manner, when our friends are under any afflicting circumstances, we should

endeavor to pray for them, with a particular regard to those circumstances.

For instance, is a friend sick? We should pray, that if it be God's good

pleasure, it may not be unto death; but is otherwise, that he would give

him grace so to take his visitation, that, after this painful life ended,

he may dwell with him in life everlasting. Is a friend in doubt in an

important matter? We should lay his case before God, as Moses did that of

the daughters of Zelophehad, and pray, that God's Holy Spirit may lead him

into all truth, and give all seasonable direction. Is he in want? We should

pray, that his faith may never fail, and that in God's due time he may be

relieved. And in all other cases, we should not pray for our friends only

in generals, but suit our petitions to their particular sufferings and

afflictions; for otherwise, we may never ask perhaps for the things our

friends most want.

It must be confessed, that such a procedure will oblige some often to

break from the forms they use; but if we accustom ourselves to it, and have

a deep sense of what we ask for, the most illiterate will want proper words

to express themselves.

We have many noble instances in holy scripture of the success of this

kind of particular intercession; but none more remarkable than that of

Abraham's servant, in the book of Genesis, who being sent to seek a wife

for his son Isaac, prayed in a most particular manner in his behalf. And

the sequel of the story informs us, how remarkably his prayer as answered.

And did Christians now pray for their friends in the same particular

manner, and with the same faith as Abraham's servant did for his master;

they would, no doubt, in many instances, receive as visible answers, and

have as much reason to bless God for them, as he had. But

5. As we ought thus to intercede for our friends, so in like manner

must we also pray for OUR ENEMIES. "Bless them that curse you, (says Jesus

Christ) and pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you."

Which commands he enforced in the strongest manner by his own example: in

the very agonies and pangs of death, he prayed even for his murderers,

"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do!" This, it must needs

be confessed, is a difficult duty, yet not impracticable, to those who have

renounced the things of this present life, (from an inordinate love of

which all enmities arise) and who knowing the terrible woes denounced

against those who offend Christ's little ones, can, out of real pity, and a

sense of their danger, pray for those by whom such offenses come.

6. Lastly, and to conclude this head, we should intercede for all that

are any ways AFFLICTED in mind, body, or estate; for all who desire, and

stand in need of our prayers, and for all who do not pray for themselves.

And Oh! That all who hear me, would set apart some time every day for

the due performance of this most necessary duty! In order to which,

I shall now proceed,

III. To show the advantages, and offer some considerations to excite

you to the practice of daily intercession. And

1. FIRST, It will fill your hearts with love one to another. He that

every day heartily intercedes at the throne of grace for all mankind,

cannot but in a short time be filled with love and charity to all: and the

frequent exercise of his love in this manner, will insensibly enlarge his

heart, and make him partaker of that exceeding abundance of it which is in

Christ Jesus our Lord! Envy, malice, revenge, and such like hellish

tempers, can never long harbor in a gracious intercessor's breast; but he

will be filled with joy, peace, meekness, long-suffering, and all other

graces of the Holy Spirit. By frequently laying his neighbor's wants before

God, he will be touched with a fellow-feeling of them; he will rejoice with

those that do rejoice, and weep with those that weep. Every blessing

bestowed on others, instead of exciting envy in him, will be looked on as

an answer to his particular intercession, and fill his soul with joy

unspeakable and full of glory.

Abound therefore in acts of general and particular intercessions; and

when you hear of your neighbor's faults, instead of relating them to, and

exposing them before others, lay them in secret before God, and beg of him

to correct and amend them. When you hear of a notorious sinner, instead of

thinking you do well to be angry, beg of Jesus Christ to convert, and make

him a monument of his free grace; you cannot imagine what a blessed

alteration this practice will make in your heart, and how much you will

increase day by day in the spirit of love and meekness towards all mankind!

But farther, to excite you to the constant practice of this duty of

intercession, consider the many instances in holy scripture, of the power

and efficacy of it. Great and excellent things are there recorded as the

effects of this divine employ. It has stopped plagues, it has opened and

shut heaven; and has frequently turned away God's fury from his people. How

was Abimelech's house freed from the disease God sent amongst them, at the

intercession of Abraham! When "Phineas stood up and prayed," how soon did

the plague cease! When Daniel humbled and afflicted his soul, and

interceded for the Lord's inheritance, how quickly was an angel dispatched

to tell him, "his prayer was heard!" And, to mention but one instance more,

how does God own himself as it were overcome with the importunity of Moses,

when he was interceding for his idolatrous people, "Let me alone," says


This sufficiently shows, I could almost say, the omnipotency of

intercession, and how we may, like Jacob, wrestle with God, and by an holy

violence prevail both for ourselves and others. And no doubt it is owing to

the secret and prevailing intercessions of the few righteous souls who

still remain among us, that God has yet spared this miserably sinful

nation: for were there not some such faithful ones, like Moses, left to

stand in the gap, we should soon be destroyed, even as was Sodom, and

reduced to ashes like unto Gomorrah.

But, to stir you up yet farther to this exercise of intercession,

consider, that in all probability, it is the frequent employment even of

the glorified saints: for though they are delivered from the burden of the

flesh, and restored to the glorious liberty of the sons of God, yet as

their happiness cannot be perfectly consummated till the resurrection of

the last day, when all their brethren will be glorified with them, we

cannot but think they are often importunate in beseeching our heavenly

Father, shortly to accomplish the number of his elect, and to hasten his

kingdom. And shall now we, who are on earth, be often exercised in this

divine employ with the glorious company of the spirits of just men made

perfect? Since our happiness is so much to consist in the communion of

saints in the church triumphant above, shall we not frequently intercede

for the church militant here below; and earnestly beg, that we may all be

one, even as the Holy Jesus and his Father are one, that we may also be

made perfect in one?

To provoke you to this great work and labor of love, remember, that it

is the never ceasing employment of the holy and highly exalted Jesus

himself, who sits at the right hand of God, to hear all our prayers, and to

make continual intercession for us! So that he who is constantly employed

in interceding for others, is doing that on earth, which the eternal Son of

God is always doing in heaven.

Imagine therefore, when you are lifting up holy hands in prayer for

one another, that you see the heavens opened, and the Son of God in all his

glory, as the great high-priest of your salvation, pleading for you the

all-sufficient merit of his sacrifice before the throne of his heavenly

Father! Join then your intercessions with his, and beseech him, that they

may, through him, come up as incense, and be received as a sweet-smelling

favor, acceptable in the sight of God! This imagination will strengthen

your faith, excite a holy earnestness in your prayers, and make you wrestle

with God, as Jacob did, when he saw him face to face, and his life was

preserved; as Abraham, when he pleaded for Sodom; and as Jesus Christ

himself, when he prayed, being in an agony, so much the more earnestly the

night before his bitter passion.

And now, brethren, what shall I say more, since you are taught of

Jesus Christ himself, to abound in love, and in this good work of praying

one for another. Though ever so mean, though as poor as Lazarus, you will

then become benefactors to all mankind; thousands, and twenty times ten

thousands, will then be blessed for your sakes! And after you have employed

a few years in this divine exercise here, you will be translated to that

happy place, where you have so often wished others might be advanced; and

be exalted to sit at the right hand of our All-powerful, All-prevailing

Intercessor, in the kingdom of his heavenly Father hereafter.

However, I cannot but in an especial manner press this upon you now,

because all ye, amongst whom I have now been preaching, in all probability

will see me no more: for I am now going (I trust under the conduct of God's

most Holy Spirit) from you, knowing not what shall befall me: I need

therefore your most importunate intercessions, that nothing may move me

from my duty, and that I may not "count even my life dear unto myself, so

that I may finish my course with joy, and the ministry I have received of

the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God!"

Whilst I have been here, to the best of my knowledge, I have not

failed to declare unto you the whole will of God: and though my preaching

may have been a savor of death unto death to some; yet I trust it has been

also a savor of life unto life to others; and therefore I earnestly hope

that those will not fail to remember me in their prayers. As for my own

part, the many unmerited kindnesses I have received from you, will not

suffer me to forget you: out of the deep, therefore, I trust shall my cry

come unto God; and whilst the winds and storms are blowing over me, unto

the Lord will I make my supplication for you. For it is but a little while,

and "we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ;" where I must

give a strict account of the doctrine I have preached, and you of your

improvement under it. And O that I may never be called out as a swift

witness, against any of those, for whose salvation I have sincerely, though

too faintly, longed and labored!

It is true, I have been censured by some as acting out of sinister and

selfish views; "but it is a small matter with me to be judged by man's

judgment; I hope my eye is single; but I beseech you, brethren, by the

mercies of God in Christ Jesus, pray that it may be more so! And that I may

increase with the increase of grace in the knowledge and love of God

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

And now, brethren, what shall I say more? I could wish to continue my

discourse much longer; for I can never fully express the desire of my soul

towards you! Finally, therefore, brethren, "whatsoever things are holy,

whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are honest, what soever

things are of good report: if there be any consolation in Christ, if any

fellowship of the spirit," if any hopes of our appearing to the comfort of

each other at the awful tribunal of Jesus Christ, "think of the things that

you have heard," and of those which your pastors have declared, and will

yet declare unto you; and continue under their ministry to "work out your

own salvation with fear and trembling:" so that whether I should never see

you any more, or whether it shall please God to bring me back again at any

time, I may always have the satisfaction of knowing that your conversation

is such "as becometh the gospel of Christ."

I almost persuade myself, that I could willingly suffer all things, so

that it might any ways promote the salvation of your precious and immortal

souls; and I beseech you, as my last request, "obey them that have the rule

over you in the Lord;" and be always ready to attend on their ministry, as

it is your bounden duty. Think not that I desire to have myself exalted at

the expense of another's character; but rather think this, not to have any

man's person too much in admiration; but esteem all your ministers highly

in love, as they justly deserve for their work's sake.

And now, "brethren, I commend you to god, and to the word of his

grace, which is able to build you up, and give you an inheritance amongst

all them that are sanctified." May God reward you for all your works of

faith, and labors of love, and make you to abound more and more in every

good word and work towards all men. May he truly convert all that have been

convinced, and awaken all that are dead in trespasses and sins! May he

confirm all that are wavering! And may you all go on from one degree of

grace unto another, till you arrive unto the measure of the stature of the

fullness of Christ; and thereby be made meet to stand before that God, "in

whose presence is the fullness of joy, and at whose right-hand there are

pleasures for evermore!" Amen! Amen!